8-13-05: Back to 'the Park'

Lake Haiyaha
After going to Mt. Evans, Lyn and I were excited to go back to 'the park' (Rocky Mountain National Park). The shorter hike wasn't even the determining factor! There are more problems in the park and the granite at Mt. Evans was very similar to what we climb in Yosemite and Tahoe. We were more excited to climb on something new and different. It was much cooler than the previous days and there was a cloud that descended upon the lake and boulders. I half expected to see the Loch Ness Monster stick his head out of the lake.

Theo on European Human Being, v12
Lyn tried Tommy's Arete some more, but couldn't quite put the end together. Theo was anxious to head over to European since he did so well the other day. He managed to do even better, falling on the very last slap. He looked so good. He tried it a bunch but could never quite do as well.

Raza on Gang Bang, v8 (wink wink)
I wanted to try a few things that I hadn't been able to do a couple of days earlier. After some rest days and recovery from my stomach flu, Handicapps, v9 and Gang Bang, v8 seemed a lot easier. I'm not sure how they came up with v8 for Gang Bang but I think they might have used a random number generator. Handicapps felt easier to me and it should be noted that Gang Bang is virtually impossible if you are shorter than 5'6". I've seen many a short person roll their eyes at the mention of Gang Bang. I don't blame them.
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