Font 2005: Part 5

Stained glass window in the Château de Fontainebleau

The crew @ Château de Fontainebleau
It was raining again (big surpise) so the crew headed over to the wolrd famous Château de Fontainebleau. I've been avoiding going for some reason on my last two trips, but the streak couldn't last. It was only 5.50 euros after all. Inside was a lot of gold, and a lot of very fancy furniture.

Delphine Codet on the Marie Rose

Lyn on Super Forge
It was good enough to climb again so we headed to Bas Cuvier. It was very crowded there because it was the beginning of a three day weekend for most Europeans. There was a horde of Italians that swarmed around from boulder problem to boulder problem. Our friend Delphine Codet met up with us and enjoyed her first time climbing in Fontainebleau. The Marie Rose is the first 6a in the forest and although she did not have success this day, she would later come back and climb it. Lyn set her mind to doing Super Forge, a very crimpy and delicate boulder problem rated 7a. Most people who climb it say, "that was only 7a!", because it is so intense.

Grenouille near Larchant
Later Lyn and I took a romantic walk to see some frogs. We had been driving along this road to town and there was this strange, plastic barrier. One night we realized why they had the barrier. Hundreds of frogs were trying to cross the road and the barrier was up to keep the frogs off the road. Lyn and I went with our headlamps to investigate since Lyn was very curious. It seems that the frogs were crossing the road to mate since many of them were getting busy.

Lyn at 95.2
Saturday was wet again, but it dried out enough in the afternoon to climb at one of the faster drying areas, 95.2. It was a rest day for me but I ran around and took pictures. Here is Lyn trying (and later doing) the sit down start to Blue 17. For those of you who don't know, most of the problems in Fontainebleau have numbers painted on them so you can do them in a "circuit." The idea was the the mountain climbers could do enough of them in a row to get them in shape for moutain climbing. Now, people just to them for their own right.

A feast at the gite
We had a big feast because Ken & Jen, Nora, and Mark and Catherine would soon be leaving. It's pretty tight in our little gite, but we fit.

The basilica in Larchant
On Sunday nights they would light up the basilica in Larchant. This was Easter Sunday so I figured that I should take a picture.
Till next time!
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