Font 2005: Part 3

Ingar on Science Friction

Lyn topping out Science Friction

Ingar on Fleurs de Rhum

The zoo at Roche aux Sabots

Lyn on crazy hard red curcuit problem

Lyn sending Graviton

Ingar on Sale Gosse

Ingar heading for a drink

El Pussah
Back to the Boulders
It was very warm this day. Warm enought that Jen stole Ken's shorts. We climbed around finding shade wherever possible. Later in the day we headed over to Science Friction. The climb is only rated "5c" but as we have learned, those can be some of the hardest probelms in the forest. It had just gone into the sun so the rock was still cold and the light made for some cool pictures. Even later, Ingar pointed out Fleurs de Rhum. The problem requires a dyno to a pocket that you can't see - over a sloping slab of rock.
I walked upon quite a scene when I met my fellow Americans at Roche aux Sabots. It looked as if every climber in France had descended upon the place. It could only be described as a zoo. Fortunately enough there were plenty of boulders to climb on. At first, Lyn and the others matched their mettle against a slabby climb on the red circuit. It turned out to be impossible and we noted that nobody had witnessed anbody send that particular problem all day. Lyn sent Graviton, 7a, much to her surprise but not to anyone else's. Ingar and Ken tried Sale Gosse before cursing and walking away. At the end of the day everyone was trying to squeeze in a last few climbs. Ingar was the only one able to send the top-out to a red and white circuit problem.
Another warm day, this time at Isatis. Ray and Michelle, fresh off the plane, showed up and were quite surprised at how hot it was. Neither of them had brought shorts! (It snowed on their trip at the same time the year before.) I tried to climb while not over-heating. Ken and I managed to get revenge on El Pussif and I was lucky enough to flash El Pussah. It it quite amazing to compare how different my experience on both problems. El Pussif took me quite a bit of work over two trips and the other was over in 30 seconds. Good thing Lyn finally got the white balance right on the camera.
Looks great! Keep it up!
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