8-19-05 to 8-21-05: The Last Days

Rocky Mountain National Park
The last days are not well documented with the camera. We were running out of time and the weather was very wet. On the 19th I went back and tried Bush Pilot but could barely do anything on it. Lyn got on Tommy's Arete and was also not feeling so good. We both were probably pretty run down from so much climbing...

Ready to Roll
Or maybe our fun rest days were tiring us out. More golf, more carpets slides, ice cream, video games and lots of food. Enough to wear out even the fittest of individuals. Cam and I are getting ready to race on the 20th.
The 21st was our last day and it was time to finish off those projects. The weather was looking grim so we got an early start and headed up to the boulders. Lyn got on Tommy's Arete and sent with authority. Lyn and I were both so happy because we both knew how much blood, sweat and tears she put into that thing. I think Lyn was just trying to create a little excitement by sending her project on the last day. It was raining on and off all morning and we had jackets and towels on various finishing holds to try and keep them dry. Some holds took quite a bit of chalking and brushing to dry out.
Not too long after she sent Tommy's, it really started to come down. We ran over to the Gang Bang boulder to sit out the storm, but it never let up. We decide to get a head start on the drive out. On the way down we ran into Robyn & Theo and it was great to see them for one last time.
Overall, it was a great two weeks. Filled with fun, bouldering, family, rain and an occasional lightning strike. We can't wait to go back.
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