Squamish 2006: Part 2

Cam sending his slab project
It's not just the adults who are getting in on all the climbing fun; Cam also joins in once and a while. There are a few problems that he couldn't do when we were here two years ago and the above climb is an old project that he was able to do this time around. Obviously, he was pretty happy about it.

Lyn on an unknown slab & Courtney on Worm World Cave [v8]
We had plans to eat in Vancouver Saturday night, so in the morning we scurried about to get as much climbing in as we could. While Courtney tried World World Cave, Lyn ran over and tried a cool looking slab with no name. I had to take a picture of the beautiful slab in the verdant forest. Even if there was no climbing in this forest, it would warrant hiking around and taking pictures.

Dinner at Vij's
I've never been accused of being a 'foodie' but I'm glad that many in our group are. They had heard rumors of 'some of the best Indian food around.' The food and the atmosphere were both great. The most amazing thing to me, was that each dish had such a distinctive (and yummy) flavor.

The view of English Bay from Kitsalano Beach
To top the night off we grabbed some gelato and hung out at the beach and a nice sunset unfolded before our eyes. We could do this kind of thing in Berkeley, but only on vacation do we get off our keisters and do it.

Geekin' out
We were tired when we got home but we still had the energy to geek out with our computers. This was not the first time, nor will it be the last. Left to our own devices, this happens a lot.

Randy Puro on Lucky Sharms [v11]
The crew headed out 'early' once again because Ingar and Nora had to drive to the airport. The goal was to get on the classic highball Loose Change because we wanted try it but we also wanted the maximum number of pads. After the sun crept up and Ingar and Nora bid adieu, it got instantly hot. We wandered over to the Thighmaster area to try some more problems. Randy got really close on Lucky Sharms, v11 until I pulled out my camera (also known as the gravity machine because it seems like gravity increases when someone is taking pictures.)

Having a ball playing "quickdraw"
The rains finally came. Our first trip here it only rained 2 day in a whole month. On our next trip it rained 10 out of 14 days, which is also unlikely but you have to expect that in British Columbia. We're doing good so far with one day. We spent most of the day puttering around the house checking emails and playing games. It's amazing how fun a game of Nintendo "quickdraw" can be when it's raining outside and there is nothing else to do.

Daniel Soto on First Nation Givers [v8]
The rain died off and we scurried off the driest part of squamish to get our fix. The apron boulders are the fastest to dry and that's where we went. Only about 15 feet away from where I have warmed up at least a dozen times before hid a cool problem. From afar, it looks like a short insignificant 3 foot boulder, but there is actually a pit that goes down 8 feet and a problem was recently established on it by the industrious Tim Doyle.
Lyn had a hankering to get on Mindbender (a problem she had been trying) so we headed over and to our surprise, it was breezy and dry. The cool temps were just what the doctor ordered and she sent quickly. We later head over to Defenders of the Faith (too swampy) and turned around and went back to Worm World Cave. Courtney sent and I managed to do the low start. Cam also got a tour of the cave system below our feet by Tim Doyle and Cameron later showed the way to the rest of the crew. It was quite funny to watch the adults try to squeeze out of the final hole.

Cam sending his slab project
It's not just the adults who are getting in on all the climbing fun; Cam also joins in once and a while. There are a few problems that he couldn't do when we were here two years ago and the above climb is an old project that he was able to do this time around. Obviously, he was pretty happy about it.

Lyn on an unknown slab & Courtney on Worm World Cave [v8]
We had plans to eat in Vancouver Saturday night, so in the morning we scurried about to get as much climbing in as we could. While Courtney tried World World Cave, Lyn ran over and tried a cool looking slab with no name. I had to take a picture of the beautiful slab in the verdant forest. Even if there was no climbing in this forest, it would warrant hiking around and taking pictures.

Dinner at Vij's
I've never been accused of being a 'foodie' but I'm glad that many in our group are. They had heard rumors of 'some of the best Indian food around.' The food and the atmosphere were both great. The most amazing thing to me, was that each dish had such a distinctive (and yummy) flavor.

The view of English Bay from Kitsalano Beach
To top the night off we grabbed some gelato and hung out at the beach and a nice sunset unfolded before our eyes. We could do this kind of thing in Berkeley, but only on vacation do we get off our keisters and do it.

Geekin' out
We were tired when we got home but we still had the energy to geek out with our computers. This was not the first time, nor will it be the last. Left to our own devices, this happens a lot.

Randy Puro on Lucky Sharms [v11]
The crew headed out 'early' once again because Ingar and Nora had to drive to the airport. The goal was to get on the classic highball Loose Change because we wanted try it but we also wanted the maximum number of pads. After the sun crept up and Ingar and Nora bid adieu, it got instantly hot. We wandered over to the Thighmaster area to try some more problems. Randy got really close on Lucky Sharms, v11 until I pulled out my camera (also known as the gravity machine because it seems like gravity increases when someone is taking pictures.)

Having a ball playing "quickdraw"
The rains finally came. Our first trip here it only rained 2 day in a whole month. On our next trip it rained 10 out of 14 days, which is also unlikely but you have to expect that in British Columbia. We're doing good so far with one day. We spent most of the day puttering around the house checking emails and playing games. It's amazing how fun a game of Nintendo "quickdraw" can be when it's raining outside and there is nothing else to do.

Daniel Soto on First Nation Givers [v8]
The rain died off and we scurried off the driest part of squamish to get our fix. The apron boulders are the fastest to dry and that's where we went. Only about 15 feet away from where I have warmed up at least a dozen times before hid a cool problem. From afar, it looks like a short insignificant 3 foot boulder, but there is actually a pit that goes down 8 feet and a problem was recently established on it by the industrious Tim Doyle.
Lyn had a hankering to get on Mindbender (a problem she had been trying) so we headed over and to our surprise, it was breezy and dry. The cool temps were just what the doctor ordered and she sent quickly. We later head over to Defenders of the Faith (too swampy) and turned around and went back to Worm World Cave. Courtney sent and I managed to do the low start. Cam also got a tour of the cave system below our feet by Tim Doyle and Cameron later showed the way to the rest of the crew. It was quite funny to watch the adults try to squeeze out of the final hole.
Cam-a-lamma-ding-dong solvin' problems!!! His cousin can't wait to join the fun. - Uncle and Aunt Adam & Erin
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