8-7-05: First day at RMNP

Lyn Warming up at RMNP
Our first day at Rocky Mountain National Park was great. Theo and Robin were nice enough to let us crash at there house and they were nice enough to give us a bouldering tour. We had heard about the epic hike so we were mentally prepared. I was hurting mostly because I was not feeling well. Even the warm-ups were kind of challenging!

Robyn Puro on Tommy's Arete, v7
Most would say that Tommy's Arete, v7 is the most classic problem in the park. It's hard to argue: and over-hanging prow with a variety of cool holds and even cooler moves. The landing sucks, but with a few crash pads and an attentive spotter, it is pretty safe. I managed to flash the problem, but by the time I topped out, I was seriously out of breath. The elevation of Lower Chaos is about 10,500 feet. You feel fine while bouldering but once you top out, it's time for a nap.

Theo Merrin on European Human Being, v12
After showing us around for a while, Theo decided to hop on a project of his that he had been trying for a while. It's one of those project that your so close to doing for so long, you kind of dread getting back on it. But since he hadn't tried it for a while, he got on it. To his surprise he did really well on it. On the first day of the season (for theo) he did all the moves, figured out some better beta and got some great linkage. Not bad for day 1.
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